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Goal Planning


Financial planning is strategy that works to achieve your long-term goals of life with much ease. It comprises details about your future goals, expenses, savings, debt, investments, insurance and other aspects of your financial life. Financial plan is like a vaccine against a deadly disease; it protects you from financial turmoil and lets you enjoy life free of stress.


There is an instance in Mahabharata, wherein Guru Drona shows a wooden bird hanging on a tree and asks his disciples to aim for the eye. Only Arjuna succeeds to hit the eye; since he alone was able to see the eye without any distractions compared to all his peers. In the same way we need to identify our financial goals in life and stick to them. Market theatrics are like anything other than the Bird's eye, investors need to ignore them. Investors need to ensure that they don't panic during short term volatility.

Click Here to Plan your financial Goals with us

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