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Our Services

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Mutual Fund

An ideal way of investment based on your needs and goals. Mutual Fund is a great convenience for those who need to invest their money for future needs. A team of professionals who have enough expertise and experience in Financial Markets manages the money to best risk adjusted returns. We at FoYo guide our clients to invest in various categories of mutual funds based on their Risk Profiles and future Financial Goals.

Mutual Fund

Health Insurance

Health insurance provides coverage for payments of benefits to cover losses from accident, medical expense, disability, or accidental death and dismemberment. Health insurance protects you from unexpected, high medical costs. FoYo recommends health policies based on one's needs after thorough analysis of various service providers on parameters like cost, ease of processing claims and high claim acceptance percentage.

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Health Insurance

Vehicle Insurance

Vehicle Insurance is for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other road vehicles against physical damage or bodily injury resulting from traffic collisions and against liability that could also arise from incidents in a vehicle. FoYo Team recommends Vehicle Insurance that best suit you after thorough analysis on parameters like cost effectiveness, good customer service, offering flexible coverage, and hassle-free processing of claims.

Vehicle Insurance

Life Insurance

Life insurance is must for all working individuals who have family dependents for their financial needs. It is the simplest form of insurance in which a person makes regular payments to an insurance company. In return, the family of the person gets paid an insured amount in case of one's demise. FoYo recommends only Term-Life Insurance Policies.

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Life Insurance
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Portfolio Management

PMS account is an investment portfolio in Equity & Debt products managed by a professional money manager that can potentially be tailored to meet specific investment objectives. FoYo recommends PMS products based on your Financial needs and Risk Appetite. Equity and Debt instruments are thoroughly analyzed based on their past performance and future scenarios.

Portfolio Management

Will Writing

We, at FoYo, strongly believe in enabling everyone to take better financial decisions. This includes making everyone aware of the importance of writing a Will, as one of the crucial step in comprehensive Financial Goal Planning. To facilitate you to secure the lives of your loved ones, we aid you in Will Writing Services.

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Will Writing
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